Joe's world in picture

By joejoe80

Another Little Flower

Today I have been a domestic goddess. Gosh you can get a lot done when you get up early on your day off!

I have done 3 loads of washing, half of which has dried on the line and been put away already. Cleaned, tidied and hoovered the house. Done some weeding in the garden and sowed my seeds. And now have a Banana Loaf baking in the oven!
All this before I cycle to YOga at the gym. I must deserve a glass of wine tonight!!!!

I had intended to blip a Bee today as the seeds I sowed are from Friends of THe Earth for the Save the Bee Project You can save some too My Wildflowers should attract lots of Bee's!
Well we'll see, I'm not the greatest gardener! I didn't manage to see any bees to blip today so will have to wait for my wild flowers to grow and entice them in.

Look out for Bee shots in the future!!!!

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