My Dog Jack

By jackrussell

Boot Camp!

Yesterday I took Daft Harry to his first Terrier Race.

He was quite nervous, he had never seen so many dogs. Fortunately we were in the same race so before he went into his trap, I was able to give him a few final words of encouragement.

When the trap opened, he wasn't quite confident, so I hung back to help him along. It cost me my victory but he came fourth which I thought was very good for his first effort.

This morning when we got up, She Who Must be Ignored, said that she wanted to have a word with Harry.

"Well young Harry?"

"What is the meaning of your discraceful performance yesterday? I demand nothing but VICTORY from you and you fail me!!!"

She Who Must be Ignored is from Yorkshire and can be 'a reet 'tater'

With that she hurled poor Harry into the car, muttering 'training' under her breath.

"Right you little wasterell." She said

"If you can't run, we will have to teach you how to walk!"

I managed to grab a quick shot and dive behind a bush with The Boss before she involved me!


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