Heute auf dem Berg

By Lenz

Ich bin ein Limette

So, at the bequest of Herr Lenz, who was a bit concerned about an insect bite/rash I have on my arm, I went to the doctors this morning.
Turns out I was "stung" by a tick and I now have Lyme disease!!! Or at least the early stages of it - hence the limes in my blip.
Die Behandlung - Doxycyclin!!!!
Have taken this stuff before (a long time ago) as an anti-malarial treatment and it gave me REALLY weird dreams. Am not looking forward to tonight.
Can't believe that I've spent so much time over the past ten years travelling through all kinds of jungles and tropical climates and contracted nothing and yet after only a year and a half in Deutschland I've managed to contract Lyme disease! Unglaublich.

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