
By Skysea7

Cat activities on yet another grey day

On Friday there was a bit of thin sun. But for Saturday, Sunday and today it has been totally sunless with leaden grey skies. And rain of course. It’s said to be mild but it feels cold to me!

In the right half of the photo both cats have one leg stretched forward - maybe they are sharing the same dream!

The media tells us inflation is still happening but it’s slowing down. Are we supposed to believe it? I can see petrol is going down but not much else. The 800g wholemeal loaf I usually buy has just increased in price from £1.30 to £1.45. And a pack of four smallish bottles of Lucozade has increased from £2.49 to £3.25!!! I need the Lucozade to keep in the car in case of unexpected hypos.

This lack of sun is depressing! I hope some of it turns up soon.

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