
By Hpinkness

21st December 2023

21st December 2023 photo 355 of 365

When I ventured up the woods yesterday with Sookie and a camera, I happened upon this Green Man in the Moss.  I didn't have the lens with me I needed to capture him, so I took a few snaps on my phone camera, and hoped they would be ok.

All the way home, and all evening last night I could not stop thinking about the Green Man in the Moss, my phone photos were ok, but I knew I had to go back.

So this morning I was up early, back up the woods whilst it was quiet, armed with my other lenses I needed and my tripod..

This Green Man lives in one of my favorite sections of woods up near Hollingbury Golf Course, near the kissing tree twitten.  This whole area of woods is covered with thick lush moss.

I have been listening to a book called The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben, In the book he talks about moss taking decades to grow, this gave me new perspective this morning about the magic of this bit of woodland.   I have been visiting these trees for around 27 years., and in those nearly 3 decades the Green Man in the Moss was growing into what he is today.

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