
By Dibsie

Currently reading

Back on the Fatmumslim challenge today. I'm currently carrying around Miranda Harts 'Is it just me?'. Matt brought it for Christmas for me and only just getting round to reading it. Not what I was expecting, I thought it would be a straight up bio but it's very much written like the beginning of her Miranda episode, where she talks to the camera. It is funny but I wouldn't say I'm getting to know the real Miranda...unless she's exactly like Miranda in her series and she's not actually acting!

I don't often read hard backs (totally get all my books from charity shops or car boot sales) but on the rare occasion I do, I have to take the paper cover off. i know it would just get ripped somehow. I was so surprised to see underneath that this has to be the girly'ist book cover I've ever read! I means it's all over Barbie girl pink!! But with this cute little cartoon just in the right corner.

For those who asked about The Book of Human Skin, it did get better, it was quite epic and I respected that the author put so much work into it and its extremely well written. Down side is, it's so well written with all these little connections and themes running through the book, it felt like something I would read back when I was doing my English lit a-levels. Now thus may sound strange but sometimes when I read a book and feel this way, it switches off my enjoyment in a book, as I can't turn my analysing brain off! That's my fault, not the book and I think it's down to years off training my brain to do this that I can't turn it off sometimes. I wonder how it must be for a film critic to watch a film with friends, in their own time, which they don't have to analyse but I bet its difficult to switch their mind off to reviewing it rather than just sitting back and enjoying it.

Anyways book is ok,wouldn't recommend (especially as Sor Loreta's character is horrible) but I think it would make a brilliant series, if done properly it could be like The Thorn Birds with the epicness and the love that can't be side to it. Also you would miss out all the ramblings from some of the characters.

Ok review over :o)

Have a good weekend all x

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