
By HareBrain

Tickled pink ....


1. Its pay day, hurrah!

2. Left side of swollen face after last night's encounter with bee's bottom has now gone down and resembles right side; the Vicar rang to say thanks for the photos and I told him about the bees in the bird box, he said he might get a bee-keeper to relocate (thank you toothfairy for that advice on your comment yesterday);

3. Mr. T has gone up to Gliding Club for a couple of days where he will enjoy the new des res and do some flying, hopefully; which gives me the perfect excuse of trying to catch up a bit on all things .... but then I might just put my feet up this evening, read my book, play my sax (annoy the neighbours!!) and just do some nice things!! and, what's more .....

4. FRIDAYS follow Thursdays, yeah!!

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