Carolina's journal

By Carolina


Chrissy and I spent the day in her sewing room.  We began by reorganizing and cleaning this morning.  I washed the windows and blinds and dusted and told Chrissy if things on the wall were straight or not.  After that we began by doing this table runner on her embroidery machine.  So much work!  You go have to watch it and change the thread as the machine finishes up one area to the next.  It is pretty cool watching it do what would have been by hand in any other situation.  
      I was looking for my charger which Molly borrowed ( she has no idea where it is) and still can't find I happened to see something the dogs chewed up and realized they had chewed up one of Molly's brand new tennis shoes.  Mom was not happy! 
    Thanks for stopping by and will try and get to a few journals.  thanks for the lovely comments!!

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