Planko's Pics

By planko


This time of year the grass verges into our village are thick with wild growing flowers, including these. Makes it a really nice end to a long drive back from work.

Was a good day at work today, what little I was in that is as I worked from home for most of the day then headed into work late afternoon for a presentation, got sign off of something I've been working on for the last few weeks (Yey!) then back home to do a spot of gardening. Luckily I stopped on the way into the village and took some shots of these so i had something in the bag.

We've got a builder in extending the width of the drive so as he had to lift a lot of grass I took the opportunity to patch some bits at the opposite side of the house which weren't growing. Once I stripped back what was there it became clear why the grass hasn't really established there in 9 years - the dammed builders used the corner next to the front door as a place to chuck all their rubbish and right under 1cm of soil was a whole load of slates/roof tiles! It's now all dug up, soil double dug and more added and turf laid, so hopefully it takes.


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