
By Veronica

Home made

Yes, I’m a jam first person. R quickly put together some scones for after dinner today — they were delicious with jam and clotted cream. I hadn’t taken any photos today and this view of R’s plate caught my eye.

It’s been a funny sort of Christmas. We’ve rarely managed to eat a meal or even have a cup of tea without some kind of interruption — either S’s mum needing help or someone at the door. Today someone came to talk to S and R to assess longer term needs, so hopefully a plan will be in place soon.

H and A have gone their respective ways today, and we’ll be off tomorrow, so R is holding the fort alone for a few days. There are carers coming twice a day currently though. They largely show up when all the immediate care that needs doing has just been done, but I’m sure they’ll be a help to R, or at least give her a chance to get out for a short while.

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