"I'll just away and stir the soup."

Manymany moons ago, when drinking responsibly, and driving carefully, was not illegal we used to drink, virtually, all over the county.
One day we found ourselves in a country pub which served its beer through a hatch to the few assembled in what was, to all intents and purposes the lounge. Periodically one of the blokes would get up and announce "I'll just away and stir t'soup." We assumed it was a euphemism for paying homage to the great white god or "Pointing Percy at the porcelain" or words to that effect.
NOPE. It may have been so, but sure enough, later in the evening soup was served.

Herself wondered what I was on about when I, periodically, announced "I'm just away for a crack with the frogs."
There are at least 2 resident frogs in the greenhouse. I never see both together, but their sizes are such that I think they may well be 1 & 2 years old.

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