
By TimG

A lorra lorra bricks

Myself, the Mrs and a couple of friends went for a seven-mile walk today at a place called Linton, a few miles to the south-east of Cambridge (David's stomping ground). It was a bit wet and a bit cold but pleasant enough – we had a red kite swoop over us at one point, but I was too slow/inept to get a decent pic.

This is Rivey Hill water tower, which is Grade-II listed. It was built in 1935-6 as part of the Linton water scheme, in the Art Deco style, and constructed of brick rather than concrete in order to harmonise with the landscape. The Heritage listing notes: "The dodecagonal brick exterior has a monumental presence, and a sculptural quality enhanced by the twelve tapering buttresses. The impressive buttressed interior contains an open structure of steel girders supporting the water tank, and the tower has landmark value due to its prominent and exposed position on Rivey Hill."

So now you know :)

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