Colour coded

Hi everyone!

Today has been a pretty good day! After I colour-coded my timetable at lunch time, we had the independence referendum debate in the afternoon at school, and I have to say, both sides put up their argument pretty well, and it was surprisingly civilised! I feel like I've made up my mind about what I want to vote (I don't know if I've mentioned it before), but I'm not going to say, because I don't think blip is the place for it, and I could still change my mind depending on what happens in the next year and a bit.

Once I got home, I felt in a weirdly hyper mood. I must've had something really sugary. Me and Craig went out to a park with Declan, his parents and his little brother, and somehow ended up playing football. I was laughing the whole way there. And I don't mean little giggles. I mean full on, weirdly high-pitched for my deep-ish voice laughing. Craig passed the ball to me, and for reasons unknown, I found this hilarious, and literally collapsed on the ground from laughter. His parents now probably think I'm insane!

Tomorrow, I'll be seeing my Nana and Grandad for the first time in two weeks! However, we'll be jetting off next Friday, so this'll probably be the only time we'll see them for a while. Still, I'm really looking forward to it - I really missed them!

Hope you have a Good Friday!

Steven :)

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