
By GracieG

A Zest for Life

A zest for life has to be a good thing...especially as we've just started a new year.  It may be gloomy and (very) wet again but I've enjoyed today.

A and I met for a coffee this morning and we had a lovely long chat all about our Christmas and New Year activities.

This afternoon, I've been doing some photographs for our U3A challenge in February.  We've each been given a random 6-letter word (mine is WIZARD) and we have to produce a photo for each letter on a choice of themes which includes Wood, Water, Industrial, Metal, Nature, Wildlife, Brick/Stone, Action or Food.  I'm rather fond of photographing food (although not quite as much as eating it of course).  I've made a start with the letter Z, (zest was helpfully suggested by Bom, who is also doing the challenge but I don't know which theme she has selected).

It's certainly given me 'food for thought' (yes...I know, sorry!).  Just 5 more photos to go.

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