A Thousand a Day

By Daver64

Not an aquilegia !

So, I'm out in the front garden, bagging an easy macro shot of a rather splendid aquilegia. A bee flies into it, so I think I'll try and get a spectacular 'bee in flight shot', then the pesky insect flies off towards our Californian lilac bush. I follow the bee.

I hear a sound, and glance up to see a sparrowhawk has landed on our front drive !
It seems quite happy to let me take pictures. I'm expecting it to fly off at any moment, so I get what I can and then start to worry as it hops up onto our front step. The door is wide open, because I only popped out to photograph a bloomin' plant ! Daughters #1 & #2 are in the house, and the in-laws, too. What do I do if the bird decides to fly into our house? It wouldn't be the only thing flapping. The idea of a sparrowhawk flying around the lounge is not one I want to linger on!

It turns around, and allows me this last shot before flying off. I am left relieved, thrilled and slightly irritated that I only had a 28mm lens on the camera !

Not a bad start to the weekend !

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