
By aprildusk

National Museum of Scotland

Jamie and I went to the National Museum of Scotland today. The Tibetan exhibit was incredible! The video footage of the dancing in full costume reminded us of The Rite of Spring, terrifying stuff. Some of the costumes and masks on display reminded me a lot of the 'Day of the Dead' style costume and figurines in Mexico.

Always a favourite is the millennium clock, I love the organ music and the gothic design.

We also saw a beautiful old clarsach that reinforced my dream of learning to play harp. It's such a gorgeous instrument with a tone that completely plays with my emotions, due to it's pure sound - Especially when playing folk music.

We were asked to take a photo for tourists behind a comical cut out and once we noticed it, we had to do it ourselves! We also went up to the roof terrace which was stunning - I felt like I was back in Paris again being in a museum and looking out over a gorgeous city with incredible buildings!

Before we left, I had to go down to the computer on the ground floor which spells out your name in blocks. Despite claiming to spell each name, it failed to spell Rebecca correctly last time I was there, so I had to go back to check it out again. Despite unfortunately, Rebeca was the best it could do. It did spell Jamie correctly though, at least!

A great day, topped off by a muffin in the balcony cafe.

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