
By tadpoleview

In the air or on the ground.

Today we decided to visit the town of Niagara-on-the-Lake. We didn't want to move the RV so investigated other ways of getting there. Other than hiring bikes, it seemed the only reasonable way was to walk, so we asked the campsite staff how far it was and they replied 'about 10 minutes'! When we explained that we were walking they revised their estimate to 9 kilometers. After doing a double take we thought that we could at least walk some of it and turn around when we had had enough. In the end we not only walked all the way there which took just under 3 hours, including stops for photographs, chatting to passers by, and of course the obligatory ice-creams, but then we proceded to explore the town for a further 3and a half hours. We found out that the township doesn't have a taxi service based there, and other than tour buses, no bus service either. So decided we would have to walk back as well! Fortunately for us, we spotted a taxi driving into town from elsewhere and were able to flag him down for a ride back. In all we reckon we walked in excess of 13Km (over 8 miles).

It was a truly great day, as witnessed by the pictures I took on the journey and back at the campsite later. Since many of them were ones I probably won't be able to repeat I have opted for a collage of some of the things that fly.

Going clockwise from bottom left are an eagle that flew over us as we walked, a huge dragonfly that settled on the path at our feet and which was really well camoflaged as some of the wing segments were transparent, a skylark that was just sitting on a path and then moved into the grass (several others were singing overhead but we couldn't see them) and finally when we got back to the campsite this american robin was feeding it's youngster just outside the RV.

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