shoes for climbing

Sienna is continuing her love affair with her sparkly blue shoes - they have taken her scootering, bike riding, out to a dance performance and climbing over fences! But she would really, really, really like to wear them to school!

Manic day along these lines -
kids to dentist at 8.45
journey there behind a combine harvester who went 18 mile per hour for 7 miles
after dentist, drop Sienna off at one school
travel 14 miles in other direction to the big kids school
root around in a very large pile of dirty PE kit looking for Zachary's top - no luck
drive 14 miles back so to get to work
park car and see that Zachary has left his food tech ingredients in the back seat - needs them as Sainsbury Award today
drive 14 miles back to school behind tractor at 22 mils an hour for 9 of the miles
drive 14 miles back to work
arrive at work 2 3/4 hours after I left home
wonder why I struggle to achieve everything I need to do...

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