
By earthdreamer

Breaking Bad

You know how it goes. One little mishap leads to another, and then another, and before you know what's happened, you're ... well ... deep in shit.

It started with slicing my finger (lots of blood but no serious damage), then failing to install a wireless printer for my elderly neighbours, over several hours of pulling hair and silent cursing, until a power cut intervened (not my fault, I hasten to add). Once power was restored, we discovered that the outage had taken out both my neighbour's internet and their streaming box. I was on a mission then, unable to let go. I eventually got the internet sorted and then, into the evening, finally, the printer - or at least it would finally print from a Windows desktop machine. Getting it to work from the iPad (which was the main reason for getting the printer in the first place) proved impossible. 

My neighbours are in their late eighties and still have their wits about them, but these issues defeated me for hours and hours. How are they supposed to do this stuff? Shouldn't technology be just a little bit easier than this by now?

By the end of all that, my head was completely scrambled. Today was supposed to be a quiet one, ticking off a dozen little jobs. I managed a half of one!

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