By lizzie_birkett

I’m Back!

I haven’t really been away - I have been nosying at your Blips, making the odd comment and sprinkling stars and hearts but I have had a break from Blipping myself and doing the write-ups.
This wee rest has done me good, and now I’m ready for Blippin’ 2024!

I’ve only been absent for a week and have had time to sit and read, knit, learn choir words and even did some tidying in the garden on the first dry day in ages - which I really enjoyed and have had some very early nights.
In some ways 2023 took it out of me with one thing and another but I feel positive about 2024 
This morning we went to Gargrave, the next village, to walk along the canal.
It was muddy but still pleasant and we stopped and chatted to a few people along the way. One was a young mum with a tiny baby boy strapped to her front - 4 weeks old - her and her partner live aboard their narrow boat. Baby ‘Wren’ was supposed to be a home birth but there was no community midwife available. A sign of the times…?
Bella met her ‘pals’ the swans - a love hate relationship.
I just finished the book for LBB12 - I loved it. It is aimed at young adult upwards and is a lovely, gentle, sad at times but heart warming story about a young girl and her close relationship with a baby raven she found. Thanks Sal ;-) x
Tomorrow I can start a new book for LBB13.

I know many Blippers have watched Mr Bates v The Post Office and are as angry as I am. It really beggars belief that such a national institution and our government can treat its citizens so abominably and even drive some people to suicide or an early grave due to stress induced illness.
I despair! I just hope those who are still alive get the compensation they deserve and more.
Rant over…for now!

I hope anyone who is affected by the recent floods is getting the help and support they need. It’s devastating when it happens, I speak from experience when it happened to my family 30 + years ago when we lived in Moniaive, SW Scotland. The River Cairn broke its banks after snow melted after torrential rain. It was up to my knees through the whole house. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. 

Time for Frank’s lovely broth now.
Then maybe some telly - though for the past few days we can’t get BBC iPlayer as it comes up with an error code. We’ve tried everything to no avail.
We may have to pay for someone to come out :-/

Goodnight Blippers!

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