Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

It's A Blipping Emergency

Ooooh it's waaaaaaay past my bed time (11.30pm)

Took a day of leave today, didn't feel particularly great so rang up work and asked if I could have the day off.

Didn't do anything with it but read a little of my book and watched 3 movies. Oh and nap, I had an afternoon nap (read sleep).

Also didn't do my Wii thing today 'twas meant to be day 5 but really wasn't up to it, will see how I feel in the morning. I'm not giving up its just pesky girlie time and it makes me a tad poorly and the medication isn't that great.

Oh and I had a Tunnocks teacake for breakfast.

Now it's muggy and I want sleep and I have a headache from an alarm that's been going off persistently for the last hour or so, honestly house alarms are not a burglar deterrent because everyone just ignores them and gets grumpy waiting for the arsehole home owner to turn the fucking thing off before I go rip the bloody thing from the wall and ram it where the sun don't shine and breath go to the calm happy place

P.s this is the book I am reading, it's a kids book, it's very good

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