Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


Well the last day of the holidays was uneventful. We had an early trip to bring the very last things from the old flat and check the post box. We spotted a guardiloo style tree chuck into a wee garden on the street side. 

Berlin/Germany is still very mixed with cash accepted everywhere and card only sometimes. There are also few cash machines so you need to plan to get money. We tried at the one closest to us but I think the rest of the neighborhood got there first. After making whirring and clunking noises for an age the machine eventually declared itself broken. We went to a different bakery to get rolls where you can pay card. The nearest one to us is cash only. 

Ate lunch and hung pictures up, M sawed some wood to prop up a chest of drawers for me. We got most of the rest of the change of address cards written and addressed put on. 

Berlin is set to freezing for the next few days. 

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