La vida de Annie

By Annie

S’Albufera d’es Grau.

A view by the salt flats along the horse track towards Favaritx. Other half took this on his morning walk while I stayed with the dogs. Maxie had an episode yesterday evening where she was gasping for breath, very distressed and unable to stand. We rushed her to the vet in Mahon, who discovered that her lungs were full of fluid and heart enlarged with the effort to pump enough oxygen. He gave an injection for the fluid, and we took her home with tablets for the lungs and for the heart, after wishing us luck: “either she’ll improve or just collapse”. She’s an old lady after all at 13. At bedtime she was still breathing heavily though not distressed, and we got up this morning fearing the worst as there was no sound from the living room. She was sleeping peacefully with quiet breathing, but was happy to wake up to a stick treat and a little private time in the garden, where she was able to walk normally. Today she’s mostly been just resting (one of the drugs can make her lethargic) but was able to eat a good dinner and take herself to the bowl for a drink. A reminder that pets are on borrowed time, which is all too short, and she’ll need heart medication daily for as long as she has left.

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