Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


Today my plan was to - as usual - 8am swim

This didn’t happen as the Easterlies still causing rough seas

Full day in college, where during Applied Psychology, we had a multi faceted discussion on Reflective Practice. I had never heard of this, but our Tutor cited Gibbs as a good example and the whole afternoon was given over to group think and analysis

and if you are interested,….

I had intended on going to the monthly Bray Arts evening in the Martello where Ronan O’Snodaigh was a guest (5 Euros admission) but another tutor handed me back an assignment submission, remarking it needed revision, and extended deadline for me til tomorrow and I’m stuck doing that. I hadn’t included any reference or citations, so this evening sees me racking my brains a bit. I forgot all about blip but an overly busy day can only manage a photo of crocs, sox, leggings and apron. The everyday is our common bond.

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