One life to live

By otornblom

Midsummer bonfire was lighten at 01:30

It was our 12th midsummer eve in the village of Sorva at our friends' summer cottage. Statistics tell that every 10th midsummer is warm and sunny -- this midsummer was that 10th one! (Indeed, we sure remember that most often it has been cold or rainy.)

We had brilliant evening and weren't home until 02:30. All midsummer _must have_ activities were accomplished:

lighting bonfire

Midsummer day has so far also been sunny and warm. We are just chilling out at home.

Later in the evening family Soininen and family Lepola came over to have drinks at our terrace. It was a splendid night!

P.S. The sad side of midsummer is that many Finns die then.. so far ten has died on this midsummer. Four had drowned, four died in traffic accidents, one had an accident on the beach, and one was hit by a train.

+25 C, sunny

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