Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Bouldering Move

Mrs H has gone out for the weekend with her brother and sister and left me in charge of the Jnrs. The only person inured so far is me, so I'm doing good. I did that lazy thing where you take off your shoes using the other foot rather than bending down. The first one came off OK, probably because it had a shoed foot doing the leverage, but I slipped on the second and my socked foot was raked by the sole of my cycling shoe. Not good as I have cleats on them and it ripped of a good third of my big toenail. That smarted.

After Jnr Jnr had finished her swimming they voted on a trip to the MiniWorks in Sheffield - an indoor climbing centre specifically for kids. Our first visit, so after a short safety introduction they took about 5 seconds to rate it as the best place ever: Jnr Jnr left planning her birthday party there (end of September!). They both made a ton of progress in their bouldering during time we spent there, Jnr Snr reached the top of a lot of climbs, most well over 3m up.

I gave them free choice from Sainsburys on the way home and tonight's entertainment takes the form of:
- homemade pizza
- Life of Pi on Blu-ray
- New York vanilla cheesecake

Good choice girls.

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