St Pancras Basin

It was a day of appointments: contact lenses in the morning which weren’t right so I need to pop back again next week; and Prof Haddad in the afternoon. He looked at x-rays of my hips and released me from all restrictions. I’m all mended! Woohoo!

In reality I have lots of scar tissue that needs breaking down and my gait needs correcting before I do any great distances, but it is improving. I stopped to do some exercises to reset my gait when walking to Kings Cross after my appointment in Marylbone and got the full ‘that lady is nuts mummy’ stare from a young girl, lol. Made me laugh.

Had a celebratory G&T and dinner with Steve in a pub near KX (who happened to be at a training day there today) then wandered the trendy area behind the station before catching a train home.

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