From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Look behind you...

A back to earth day today, after the excitement of last night (see yesterday's blip for details).

I spent the morning at home with Littler G, trying to distract her from the pesky pox while Mr G took Little G to swimming. Change of shifts after lunch - I took Little G to the Lower School Fair, just about dodging the rain in doing so, while Mr G and Littler G rested at home. It's a shame she was too poorly to join us - she would have loved the owls. Little G decided he didn't want to hold an owl; nor did he want a pony ride. But he did have a good bounce on the bouncy castle, we both had a ride on the miniature steam tractor, and - of course - he had his face painted (as a rather handsome green monster this time). It was tempting to post the monster pic, but an owl in close up is a rarer sight (for me) than my son with his face painted green!

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