
By PicturePoems

Time moving backwards

Today the family came over for a little party in advance of my birthday. Little Miss B was dressed as Princess Elsa, as so often at present. 

Since their last visit, I had dug out my dolls' house dating from Christmas-1957-cum-Birthday-1958. I was thrilled with how Miss B enjoyed playing with it. None of the furniture dates back to my childhood. Some of it is from the 1980s and our daughter's originally, and some new from Lidl. I left out tiny stuff that did date back to when I was a child, as the bits were too small for my grandchildren yet awhile. (Some original furniture I did keep, but it's rather big scale for the house and the 1950s' plastic is rather brittle to be played with. Perhaps I'll blip that another time.)

We had a lovely day, with the Bugglesworths still here till evening, too. Lots to eat and drink! The Extra shows some highlights of the day - enjoying the fire-pit after dark to toast marshmallows, while "the boys" stayed indoors (Bug and the young master). Top right, you can also see the "Love Heart Unicorn Birthday Cake" that little Miss B baked and decorated herself. And she helped me blow the candles out!

I opened some cards early and especially liked the one LMB had made, featuring my favourite colour. And my son - who recognises that I stopped ageing eight years ago - wrote "Happy 63rd Birthday" inside their card. All good fun. Good to stop the clock once in a while!

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