
By Nettenet

The Ritz

Last year mum and dad gave us a voucher for a champagne afternoon tea at the Ritz for our anniversary  (in August) . It was quite hard to get a booking so today was the day and nicely coincided with celebrating for Mr Cs birthday on Tuesday.

We enjoyed a selection of tasty sandwiches that were refilled a couple of times, a glass of champagne. I started with a Darjeeling second flush tea and then a passion fruit and orange when I had the pastries.  They also come round with a cake trolley towards the end and offer you a slice of two options.  Both Mr C and I were stuffed so we politely declined.

We decided to walk some of our food baby off and strolled down to Piccadilly, having a quick look in Fortnum & Masons and then on to Covent Garden where we caught the tube home.

A nice way to spend the afternoon.

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