
By WharfedaleBex

Girls on tour

Our first task was finding a spot for breakfast. That involved a bus to the city - thanks to Google. I was on to second breakfast by this stage and we found a good place on the waterfront where we whiled away an hour or so before our walking tour. 

Simon led Blackbeard to Banksy brilliantly; we were entertained and informed with great aplomb. Bristol is a magnificent place and all of us said we’d return. It was dry but icy cold so I was thankful of at least double layers of everything for the two and a bit hours strolling and sightseeing. 

We headed back to the King William of Orange, orange pub (with three fires) to thaw out before catching another bus to Clifton to see the suspension bridge and find some food. Accidental perfect timing saw us there as the sun was disappearing behind the bridge. 

We were all hungry and decided to have an early dinner and spend the evening back in our rented house. A final bus completed our triangular adventure and left plenty of time for an evening of Cards Against Humanity - a simple but outrageous game - not for the civilised which seemed to suit all of us and my stomach hurt laughing! Apparently, there is a family edition …but don’t get them mixed up! 

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