........make mine a treble........

This is a large Jack Daniel's........very large....I need and deserve it after this week.....I hope my sis is having something similar.

Apologies for not blipping this week....but a huge family crisis blew up on Tuesday night to disturb a peaceful evening's fishing with the kids.

A family member made serious allegations about our treatment of Dad....an allegation of a large theft....even worse allegations followed......Dad's mobile phone was stolen....a set of keys to his bungalow went missing and another set were stolen.....Social Services were called.......more allegations followed. dad refused to believe the guilty party was guilty and accused my sis and I and my family of conducting a vendetta....the hospital discussed my Dad's treatment with a family member...by-passing the official next of kin.

I had to drive up on Wednesday and change his locks.....Social Services and the hospital and an Occupational Therapist had to meet to examine the allegations....Dad was quizzed....the hospital tried to cover up their failings giving Dad a CAT scan 5 days after he banged his head! The Matron had to be collared to explain why the staff had discussed Dad with someone who had no right to know.

In the end the allegations were dismissed out of hand.......the hospital grovellingly apologised for their gross error of judgement...the stolen keys and phone have not been returned......the missing keys haven't turned up....it cost me £50 to change the locks.

I went back to work Thursday...like a zombie.....only about 4 hours sleep Tuesday night....and even less Wednesday night after getting back from dad's at about 1.45 in the morning. Friday ....a phone call to say Dad was being discharged that after noon despite clear instructions that I needed 24 hours notice because of the distances involved.

Friday night a huge argument between sis and dad as he is still backing up the trouble maker and accusing us of inventing the whole thing.

Another drive up there today at 6.30 in the morning so I could be there when the care package kicked in......Dad being fairly stroppy with the Care assistant....and telling fibs again about how he an manage his own medication etc....a huge argument between Dad and I as he accused me of inventing the whole thing and being out "to get" the trouble making family member....tears as I forced him to listen to all the disgusting details of the allegations that had been made.....and warned him to be careful around said trouble maker.

Eventually he finally faced up to the truth....but he still wants to give the trouble maker the benefit of the doubt......what happens next I have no idea......but I will fight for my family like a cornered tiger...trouble maker beware!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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