
By Martigan

Changed a bit?

     Now and then I find myself trawling back through the years, for one reason or another.  One reason being the usual problem of unsuccessful tagging.
      The most recent trawl brought up an entry from mid-May '09.  There have been quite a few changes.
      That Spruce(?) over the road got much bigger, then vanished - totally.  The two long thin Trees have both long gone; one replaced by Viburnum Bodnantense "Dawn".  The HUGENORMOUS Rhododendron must just have been planted in 2009, by the looks of it in the top photo.
      The, to me, most mind-boggling of all is the fact that, when we moved in about Oct/Nov 1987 the tallest thing in either front, or back, Garden was uncut grass.  Provided you discount the Hedges at the back; since replaced by Fences, serving "two Porpoises".
1. We gained 4'-5' width around three sides of the back Garden.
2. It saved me innumerable hours, probably running to days of time saved NOT clipping them.

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