Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

DAY NINE (Sydney)

First full day in Sydney and what a good one it was!

We walked around a couple of streets to the local cafe, passing the cutest houses in Sydney. And what a great neighbourhood cafe - it was packed, fabulous coffee, terrific menu, good (non-intrusive) music.

But we had people to see, places to be... a friend of Gill's (whom we met years ago) came along with us while we took a drive up north to a lovely beachy place, somewhere near Gosford, where we had lunch in a very nice seaside restaurant, and met up with a couple of blippers (Burradoo and Mount Grace) who are also friends of Gill's! What are the chances of that!? We had a prime table facing the sea/beach, just out of earshot of the muzak in the restaurant, and had a lovely lunch of barramundi and chips. 

The predicted rain came right on time - 4pm - on the drive home, and is now quite heavy. I might be able to use my new umbrella tomorrow. No - I WILL be able to use my new umbrella tomorrow, because it will be very useful in the HOT sunshine too. Win win!

Just been watching the best programme ever - Muster Dogs (Season 1), where people train puppies to muster cattle, and it's a competition. Five Salt-of-the-Earth outback Australian famers take on brand a new puppy (from the same litter) to train. It's the best thing I've seen on Tv for a long time. Hope it comes to us in the UK, after all, we get 'Married at First Sight' (Australia) and other such enriching programmes...

A VERY exciting day tomorrow - walk past the dog park (stop for a look) and then a ferry ride into the city!! Under the Harbour Bridge!!

And then a very interesting dinner venue: OZHARVEST. Can't wait!

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