
By Beewriter


I’ve been worried for weeks as I had to have a gastroscopy and today was the day. I hadn’t wanted to rely on anyone else as I like to just sort myself out but anyone I’d spoken to had said I should opt for some sedation and I can’t drive after that. I planned to get the bus, but Pat said she would drive me and I was glad as it was freezing today and icy underfoot.

I spoke with the consultant and decided to just have the throat spray. “It’s banana flavour,” I was told as she held it in front of me. OMG I hate bananas, I don’t even like looking at them. I gagged with the taste. I was told to lie on my side and close my eyes. I felt the camera go down and there is a moment when you can’t breathe which is frightening, but the staff were lovely. I opened my eyes and watched the camera go through to my stomach on the screen. I felt it moving inside me which wasn’t pleasant and I concentrated on breathing and trying to stay calm. It was weird seeing your insides.

Cancer was always at the back of my mind and I feel like a huge weight has been removed as he said he saw no signs at all. He did take a few biopsies just to be on the safe side. It’s a relief it’s all over.

I took this pic first thing this morning of the frost on the summer house. I was trying to take pics of frozen bubbles but I don’t think it was quite cold enough.

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