a lifetime burning

By Sheol


Cetti's warbler is frequently heard, but hard to find and harder to photograph, I just got lucky with this shot.  They like to stay out of sight in the undergrowth, but have a very loud burst of warbling song that you will know if you've ever heard it.  The trouble is, when you look to find the bird you won't see it, because the bird often sings just as it moves, so you are going to be looking in the wrong place.

 The setting is obviously busier than I'd like, there's far too much competing detail, but that's generally going to be the way of it with a photo of this particular bird.

There's a more aesthetically pleasing extra of a reed bunting in what became increasingly windy conditions.  The weather is on the change here and we have another names storm due to arrive during the course of tomorrow.

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