Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Out of Focus

Life has been out of focus for the last few days, not just on my camera! I see that my last entry here was on January 16th! The weather was dull and windy and rainy and then the sun came back with icy temperatures! However, by then I was coughing like crazy with a headache and flopping in bed with a hot-water bottle!

Today is the first day that I feel nearly normal and took a few photos this morning. Of course, they're about Nurse Honey who has been keeping me company all this time. The photo on the top right shows her very interested in my mug of Hot Elderberry drink that I had made myself to take back to bed.  Lower left checking out the last of the contents. 

I enjoyed her little paw on my hand on the lower right and caught her having a good wash after she finished her breakfast. I do admire how clean and meticulous cats always are in their personal hygiene.

So life is coming back in focus now, I'm glad to say. Some cough medecine called 'Medinait' made by Vicks, allowed me to sleep at night instead of cough! The sun is still shining, so I'll push myself out to breathe in some fresh air and get those legs walking!

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