Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica


Went to church this morning and it was only 3 hours long! But I was then invited out for lunch which made up for it! Went for a walk through some villages late afternoon in the evening sun and passed through many houses with many children calling 'mzungu, give me money'! Took some pictures but loved this one because of the boots on the roof.

Typically Malawian houses were made of mud but it is seen to be prosperous if you have a house made of bricks. However the bricks are made of mud and fired and then stuck together with mud, so not much difference in durability and in the rainy season many of them fall down.

Roof is typically made of grass and as you can see on this one there is plastic sheeting in the middle and bricks on top to keep it down!! People sleep on mats on the floor which is not pleasant in the rains when the roof is leaking! Windows are usually covered with cloth or wooden shutters and are not opened. People spend little time inside the house - its mainly for sleeping!

Hope you all had a good Sunday too! Thanks for the lovely comments on my butterfly yesterday!

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