
By Chrysanthemum

My Lonely Bouquet

The Lonely Bouquet is a world wide initiative whereby kindly gardeners and florists leave a lovely bouquet where it will be found and hopefully taken home, bringing a little colour and joy into the world of the finder. It's a way of sharing the pleasure flowers can bring. Last Thursday I found mine in Hesketh Park, Southport, left by the lovely people at 'Just Flowers'. (You can leave your name, but you can, of course, remain anonymous.) The flowers were tucked into a jam jar with a little water and had a label saying 'Adopt me, please. I'm all alone and looking for a new home...' (Find out more at Lonely Bouquet, or
30 June is going to be international 'Lonely Bouquet' day, when we can all share the joy and leave a lovely bunch of flowers from our garden or even from the florist for someone, a stranger, to find. Brief details of adding a tag to the bouquet can be found on the websites. I think it's such a lovely idea, and on 30 June I'm hoping to tuck a bouquet into a jam jar, add a little label like the one I found, and leave it in our local park for someone to find and enjoy.

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