
By Missycat

It's Mono Monday!

I have produced two mono (ish) images for Mono Monday: Violet as my main pic, posing for me early evening and in Extras, an almost hidden Winnie who was definitely NOT up for posing as you can tell from her just visible eyes.
I'm aware that I have not followed this week's suggested theme of a pic representing a movie but frankly just taking photos is all that I can currently manage.  This morning I had my staples removed and it was not nearly as bad an experience as I had imagined and was over very quickly.  In 2021 when my other hip was done, I recorded that at this stage I had a wheelchair in the hospital but today I walked, albeit with both crutches!
This afternoon my dear friend C came round to visit and brought me gifts, one of which you will see as my entry for Tiny Tuesday this week.

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