If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Slipper Orchid ( Paphiopedilum maudiae )

I was watering my Orchids after being away for a few days, about 10 days since they were last watered.  Imagine my surprise to find this well developed bud.

For me Slipper Orchids are the second easiest to get into flower.  I am managing an annual flower which is about what would be expected.  Phalaenopsis, the common moth orchid is the easiest it can and often will flower all year,  perhaps that is why they are so popular.  

So the blip is mainly for my records.  If you are wondering what it will eventually become there is a shot here.  We do have British species, sadly extremely rare owing to specimens being stolen for cultivation and of course the environmental situations.  My example is here.

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