
By AndyG1982

My faithful companion throughout January

I've been full of his cooks for about a month now. I'm just a bit bored of it. It started with COVID and mutated into a never ending cold. I now drink a lemsip for breakfast every day. Is this what my life is now? Lemsip for breakfast. Nurofen for lunch. And maybe a box vapo rub for dinner? Followed by a packet of lockets for pudding? 
In other news Mrs G is back to work tomorrow. And her sister has COVID. And her sister usually looks after Flicky on Fridays. Which means this Friday Flicky is getting left in the garden with a plate of custard creams and a rubber ball to play with all day. Not really. We don't have any custard creams. 

It means this Friday, is now Daddy daughter day. Which is ace. There's only so many spreadsheets a man can look at in a day. Roll on tomorrow which is now my end of week. Which also means I need to do a bit more work to plan ahead. But in doing so I get to go to a soft play on Friday morning. Ace. I might take Flicky with me too. 

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