My ADHD Journey

By Adhd

Day 3 of ADHD Medication

It was a productive day in keeping things moving on the reset projects I have. In saying that the sooner I get a team sorted here, the better, as I feel like I'm neglecting other important things for this. I guess i'm just going to have to learn to accept I can only get so much done, and work out what to do with the rest! 
Medication Commentary: 
Dose: 5mg morning +5mg afternoon 
I feel like I'm just taking these to kill time until the dosage increases next week... I'm not sure i have the patience needed to get through 6 weeks of this! 
Spend the day travelling and in meetings, and perhaps I was less animated than normal? Hard to tell as there was so many other factors (like a lack of sleep). I'm not sure I managed to focus any more than normal, but again it's hard to tell. It was new topics, with deadlines, in a new location - so basically everything I find easier. 
I suspect I'm going to have to watch the appetite suppression. The last few days I haven't felt like food, coffee or water nearly as much as normal. Perhaps that's the only thing to come of the meds so far, or again perhaps it's just a placebo. 
Personal Development: 
Sleep - I did not get nearly enough. I need to watch this.  
Tried my meditation techniques on the plane home. I quite like these, but I'll need to get a different recording as the sounds in the background were too distracting as they felt inside my head. Maybe some less resolving headphones or open backs. Definitely looking forward to finding more techniques here. 
Went though my action list from my clinical psychologist, and have some more actions to pick up and consider. I think Focus Club or an equivalent may be a very good idea for the 'important but not urgent' work I need to get done. I also found another online in the US which I think I'll give a go. Hell, anything is worth a chance here.

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