?Do you think that she has something ...

... to eat in her hand?

These too were watching her intently and just after this was taken, they barked loudly. Probably because they weren't getting enough attention from the young lady. They were members of the gun dog display team performing at the Burlesdon Brickworks Open day. It is the last steam driven brickworks in the country. It was great to see athe machinery in operation. Unfortunately we arrived too late to see the gun dogs perform.

Milo was with us and he received much praise from many people.

Since arriving home I have been in the kitchen and have made, in the order of preparation , a lemon sponge pudding in the slow cooker, orange and carrot spice muffins, fish pie and pizza dough.

The lemon sponge pudding was very good. The fish pie a little bland and Milo snitched a muffin and thought that it was yummy. The pizza dough is for tomorrow.

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