Raindrop View


You know how it is. This was a day without inspiration but plenty of drizzle and misery. Nothing I looked at seemed interesting enough for a blip. Normally I just take a couple of days off and allow the enthusiasm to recover. But this time I was not gonna take frustration for an answer.

Actually this is TWO pictures, both shot within about thirty minutes of one another. The first was a shot through the passenger side car window. The glass was covered with droplets. The short depth of field rendered the background grey and featureless. The second was a picture of the Hartley Valley from Berghofer's Pass. I had been hoping to capture the mist creeping down from the ridge above ... buuuuut the result did nothing for me I'm afraid.

Then came the moment of inspiration ... or the moment of stupidity (I leave it for you to decide) Why not stick one picture over the other and wind up the transparency slider? Right now I honestly have no idea whether this is interesting or not. I only know that (for me at least) it's something different.

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