
By Martigan

: ¬ (

      Might as well chuck them now.  I'm not sure if I had a bit of a Hiatus or a Sabbatical; Whichever there were many years, around mid-life that I didn't donate.
       I was desperately hoping to, eventually get my donations up to = my age - huge HOWEVER - When I produced a letter from the Doc stating I was OK some rotten wench  gave me an interview termination in a MUCH more politely worded "Bugger off we don't want you any more."
      Kind of interesting.  I had h eard of the uses of O Rh+ so went to check; where I found this:-
"What Is Special About Blood Type O Positive?" 
Consider this too:-
"People with blood group O-positive can donate blood to not only other O-positive people but also all other positive blood types  (including A+, B+, and AB+). More than 80 percent of people have a positive blood type, making O-positive blood in high demand.  It is, thus, also the blood type whose shortage may occur often owing to its huge need."  
      NO point in keeping them, for two reasons.
1. I never actually carry either of them about.
2. IF I ever need any, heaven forfend, they'll not give any prior to checking my group & +or- first.
      Just a wee bit gobsmacked is all.

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