Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Had a walk through the woods to Bassenthwaite this morning.  Water was over the path in places so glad I had my wellies on.  Haven't blipped my mum's tree for quite a while, so here it is.    Afterwards drove a few miles down the road for another short walk as wanted to see the snow on Skiddaw.   Back to the car for lunch and spent an enjoyable 15 minutes or so watching the birds on feeders.  Some kind person obviously likes birds and regularly puts out bird food in some shrubs.  There were 10 feeders.  I even saw a Woodpecker on one of them.  I usually only see them at home.  Went back out tonight and saw the sunset ... see extras.  Also a postcard and you should see Misty posing with a snowy Skiddaw.

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