
By Madchickenwoman


Physio today and relief as it's not my hips causing me pain as I feared but my gluteal muscles! So 3 exercises to do on alternate days - 3 sets of 10 for each. Should see results in 6-12 weeks! If it's 12 weeks then it will be a year since I broke my leg - which is also the length of time it takes to recover from. May is also my birthday so maybe it will be a happy birthday for me!
I did a quick shop on my way back - and for the first time that I can remember I bought no puddings, bread or sweets!  I'v been doing intermittent 8/16 hour fasting for 2 weeks now! I do feel more lively! 
I picked up Luna before returning home and after a coffee it was off to the field. Whilst there I had a call from the Dr checking how the new medication was going. For some reason I keep forgetting to take it twice daily, but I do feel that the morning stomach pain has lessened. So I shall have to set a reminder on my phone to take it as it has a cumulative effect. She also gave me my blood test results - all normal! Kidneys and liver functioning well, potassium, iron  and sodium levels fine, no anaemia, no inflammation, no cancer! All systems working fine! Fingers crossed the medication does work so no further invasive tests are necessary! 
As I was walking round the field I looked up to see Oscar chasing Luna - and as i watched I realised it was Luna who was instigating the playful chase! They have never played together before!  
All in all a day full of SDH!

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