A New Day

By ANewDay

Double Clematis

What would blippers do without their gardens to fall back on for a picture? I've noticed a lot of lovely flower posts today, so others have the same problem as me. Too busy to get out and look for anything else:-)

This is a double clematis growing up a pillar by our front door. The label seems to have vanished, so I've no idea which variety it is, but it's not as it looked on the picture. I thought it would be purple and white, but this is more of a dusty lilac. There was a similar problem with a previous one, which eventually died, so I wonder if there's something lacking in the soil or we're not giving it some food it should have. Any clematis experts out there?

Still trying to catch up on all the washing, but it keeps raining, so I've been in and out of the garden like a yo-yo all day! What happened to summer? Is someone else hogging all the sunshine? May we have our share please?!!

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