
By BrianH

BrianH - A retrospective

Dr H - Lets go back to the beginning. Why did you join blip?
Patient - He made me start it.
Dr H - Ah I see. How do you feel about the experience?
Patient - It has had it's ups and downs. The daily search for a suitable subject, the viewing and commenting on other blips can distract from the pleasure of just taking photographs.
Dr H - I think we need to delve a little bit deeper. Did you have a happy childhood?
Patient - (Pause) What's that got to do with it? There was no digital photography or internet back then.
Dr H - Classic symptoms of denial. Let's explore the content of your photographs. Is there a dichotomy between your use of colour and black and white? You tend to use b&w transgressively in that these images are predominantly metaphors rather than objective representations of reality. And yet their essential linearity reinforces the Cartesian hegemony between man and nature.
Patient - (Gasps in despair) I thought it was a mostly harmless dip into the world of online social media.
Dr H - Perhaps the most troubling aspect of your work is the almost complete disregard for flowers, rainbows and kittens. When you did blip a rainbow you deconstructed its beauty into a morphogenetic interaction between matter and energy within a conventional, male-dominated space-time construct that excludes the possibility of a more inclusive ecological view. Your unwillingness, or inability, to include a single kitten blip echoes the stasis of your socio-economic homology while denying a feminist, let alone post-feminist critique.
Patient - Hmm. You have lost me there doc.
Dr H - This is a difficult case. We have only just started to probe the scope and depth of the issues here. I think we will need to schedule another session.
Patient - Oh, I don't know about that. I think I need to rebalance my involvement in blip with my other activities that have taken second place over the past year.

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